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Roger Clark
Who is Roger Clark? According to his own puff CV he is a world expert on
all sorts of things, especially on the death of Adolf Hitler.
His extremely vicious attacks give rise to many questions, such as - why does he appear to
take the destruction of our book "Hitler in Argentina" as his own
Holy Grail; why is he so emotionally involved in what should be a simple
although incorrect book review; why is he so incredibly verbose in his reviews
and attacks? One might wonder why he appears to be so emotionally involved
to seemingly get into such a snit when challenged.....almost crying like a
little girl.
We have our opinion - but you must draw your own conclusions and keep in mind
that anyone who criticizes any expert must have more knowledge of the particular
topic than the world expert who wrote the book. While it is okay to
challenge, debunk and criticize theory, speculation, thoughts and ideas - one
simply cannot challenge absolute fact and our book "Hitler in Argentina"
is solid historic fact, not theory. To criticize it is the same as
challenging that water is wet or flames are hot, but for whatever reason, poor
Roger staggers onward trying to push a string uphill. He sure is no world
expert on the escape of Adolf Hitler. We really are unsure in what area,
if any, he is an expert. Read on and see for yourself - then scroll to the
bottom to see why he has suddenly become very quiet.
We have numbered these
paragraphs so Roger can follow along easily. We would not want him
to lose his place. |
4. We are supposed
to look at his profile page to see how great he is - in his own words.
He has not mentioned anyone else who has as high an opinion of him as he
does himself and
one wonders why. |
6. Retaliating Roger? No, merely setting the record straight and shining a bright light on your foolish comments. Lies Roger? Not at all.....merely pointing out that you are a little man trying to appear important by attacking something of great historical value - to make yourself feel important in your own eyes? Most comments we receive about you, people have great pity for you and your delusions. And again I say - there was no libel but if you wish to bring suit, let me know when you will be here and I can recommend a nice hotel. |
7. I have not responded because this is the first time I have heard of said questions. As already stated, this little coward does not reply to our emails and one must wonder who appointed him the gatekeeper of this history since he is not a world class expert. |
8. Everyone's
favorite uncle? What does this mean Roger? It was never my
intention to be anyone's uncle; merely a world class historian, which you
are not. Sorry about that Roger. |
The email at the right is
apparently from an Amazon forum of some type. I am too busy going
to places where Hitler lived after the war to have time to waste with a
guy like Roger, so I never read drivel like Roger spews forth - it is a
waste of my time and frankly, that of anyone else as well. |
B - calls him a 'dirty liar'?
Whatever was posted, it seems to have really lit Roger up. He threatens
lawsuits to anyone who points out his errors and his obvious slant.....but it is
okay for him to use such harsh terms to someone else?
He 'knows more about this subject than
a author' the first place, no he does not. In the second
place 'a author'? Roger asks that forum contributor 'Have
you no education?' No education Roger when you say 'a author'?
Let us take another look at the next to last sentence
that states..... "I hope it will stimulate people
will read my one star reviews.........". No comment is
really necessary here.
Roger calls this person a 'liar' and also a 'fool'
but when we point out that he is nothing more than a mild bump in the road for
true historians, he threatens a lawsuit? Maybe Roger should look in the
mirror when making such comments about fools and education. He would get
full agreement from us.
He has written so many
empty rebuttals to so many honest 5 Star reviews with his 1 star foolishness, it almost
appears if this is a deliberate attempt to dilute the very many 5 Star reviews by many
honest people in his multitude of empty 1 star and grossly verbose comments.
We can not know because he does not reply to our emails, and he calls someone
else a coward? Amazing how his own ruler does not measure him.
If we may presume to offer a suggestion Roger - stop taking yourself so
seriously; nobody else does. You may want to take up some other hobby, one
in which you can actually excel by actually doing something
building something up yourself, something of which you can be proud rather than
trying to tear down the solid and accurate works of others who are far better
than you in their field. Maybe try your hand at butterfly collecting?
Or stamp collecting? Or anything that does not require deep thinking,
heavy concentration or much intelligence. Best of luck with your future
endeavors and remember, if you wish to come here to bring legal action, I can
recommend many nice hotels and if you like seafood, great restaurants.
couple months ago Roger sent an email to SHANNON DAVIS, Member #8067
and host of our monthly radio show on his Omegaman Radio and in this email,
Roger said that HARRY COOPER, Member #1-LIFE is a Nazi. That
is an out and out lie - he has never been a Nazi. Roger also said that the
book "Hitler in Argentina" is fraudulent. It is not
fraudulent - it is hard and irrefutable fact. And so poor bed-wetting
Roger has committed two actionable offensives and we suspect that he has learned
that we have contacted a London based barrister to handle a lawsuit against him;
and also our Members who are current and former MI-5 operatives are checking
into his past. Roger probably does not want these skeletons to come
mincing out of the closet and we are sure he does not want to appear in court to
defend these indefensible comments.
If anyone has any comments about Roger Clark - good, bad or otherwise, please
send them here and we will post them. If you wish us to withhold your
name, let us know and we will. And Roger - I hope you will take this
constructive criticism in the positive and helpful spirit in which it is
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