Founder and President of Sharkhunters International

HARRY has had one of the most diversified backgrounds of anyone we have ever met.


HARRY joined the Air Force right out of high school with aspirations of being a fighter pilot, a lifelong dream of his.  He was disappointed to learn that there was more to being a fighter pilot than just wanting it - unlike the war years, one now needed to be 21 years of age to be an officer so that was put on the back burner.  He spent six months in intensive training in weapons and demolition learning all the Air Force weapons from the .38 caliber aluminum pistol the pilots carried to the massive 'special weapons' - hydrogen bombs.

He was happy that his first duty assignment was at Chanute AFB, only 100 miles from his home.  It turned out that this was a training base and there was no need for a weapons and demolition specialist - so he ended up as life guard at the base swimming pool.  It was nice duty - one day on and one day off, but when winter set in and the pool closed for the season, he insisted on a proper assignment.

He was sent to a Strategic Air Command base in the Midwest and commanded a six-man team loading 'special weapons' (hydrogen bombs) onto B-47 bombers during the 'cold war'.  Just prior to his 21st birthday, he sat for the very difficult two days of tests to qualify for Officer Candidate School.  He was the only one of the thirty men tested to pass, and his scores were perfect in some phases and nearly perfect in others. He had an OCS class assigned.  In the meantime, he had a pilot's physical done at the base hospital - everything was perfect.  He was on his way to his lifelong dream of being a fighter pilot.  But it was not to be!  As he was about to re-enlist for the required six more years, his career counselor told him that the Air Force had so many pilots left over from the Second World War and Korea that Air Cadets was shut down.  He could be an officer, but he would never be a pilot.

Sadly, he put down his pen, did not re-enlist, and when his hitch was finished, he left the AF

After college, HARRY went into the business world where he climbed the corporate ladder at various companies ultimately to the position of Regional Vice President of a fairly large company.  During this time, he was also a professional racing driver - first drag racing where he set a number of national records then to 'Figure 8' racing, to short track stock car racing and finally to spending Sunday afternoons at 190 mph on the superspeedways.  During this time he was also a Feature Editor for Stock Car Racing Magazine, had a monthly column in Australian Speedway News and an American racing magazine that is now out of business.  He also was Technical Editor for the Magalog of J. C. Whitney automotive company and did how-to and technical articles for that publication.

For a short time, he was a newscaster on a Chicago television show called 'Motorsports International' where he did the news from the various Chicago area stock car tracks.  He also published a book entitled 'Sponsorship' which showed aspiring racers how to approach their potential sponsors for the money necessary to race.


HARRY is a LIFE Member of the prestigious Adventurer's Club in Chicago, a very exclusive organization that is open only to people who have "left the beaten path" and made for adventure.

After "Hanging Up His Helmet" HARRY sold everything, bought a 30 foot sailing yacht and went to live in the Bahamas.  It was to change his life and in fact, would change the way the world viewed the men of the U-Bootwaffe because it was here, thanks to some rumors passed on by local inhabitants about U-Boats that planted the seeds that became the international U-Boat historical organization known as Sharkhunters.

It was during his years living in the Bahamas that Harry became interested in the true and honest history of the U-Bootwaffe.  The seeds of what would soon be the world's largest and only official site of U-Boat history were sewn.


In February 1987, Sharkhunters organized the first of what was to become fantastic annual "Patrols".  Fifteen U-Bootfahrer were with us including three U-Boat Commanders - one with the Knights Cross.  These "Patrols" are an annual event.

United States Coast Guard (Aux.)
In 1995 HARRY joined another branch of service, the U.S. Coast Guard (Aux.) and began as the FPO (Flotilla Publications Officer).  He soon became the District PO.  When the need arose in his Flotilla, Harry became the Vice Flotilla Commander.

After a year or so, HARRY transferred to another Flotilla and became the Flotilla Commander with two rings on his sleeve, the same as a full Lieutenant.

Some of HARRY's other military or quasi-military history includes:
          from Russia
  *  Commissar of the Soviet Union.....Peace to the Oceans Committee;
  *  Is an Honorary Russian Submarine Officer (St. Petersburg Flotilla);
  *  Was awarded the Admiral Kuznetzev Medal for his International Humanitarian Service;

          from Austria:
  *  Ambassador to Ulrichsberg;
  *  Ulrichsberg Grand Cross in Silver;
  *  Landesehrenzeichen in Gold - Kärnten;
  *  Landesehrenzeichen in Gold - Salzburg;
  *  Ulrichsberg Grand Cross in Gold;

          from Italy:
In the town of Redipuglia, Italy we visited the battlefield where young Erwin Rommel earned his Pour l'Merit (the Blue Max).  Our group was formally received by the Mayor and he presented their beautiful Commerative Medal to Harry.  Only 250 of these medals have been made in bronze and one was awarded to Harry.

          from Kentucky:
Harry is a Kentucky Colonel and a few years ago was on the General's Staff and was awarded the Medal of Distinction.

In addition, HARRY has published many books.  They include:
  *  "Hitler in Argentina"  (Best Seller)
          available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Italian
  *  "Hitler and the Secret Alliance"
          available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Italian
  *  "U-Boat!" (volume 1)
  *  "U-Boat!" (volume 2)
  *  "U-Boat!" (volume 3)
  *  "U-Boat!" (volume 4)
  *  "U-Boat!" (volume 5)
  *  "U-Boat!" (volume 6)
  *  "Rise and Fall of the U-Bootwaffe"
  *  "Rare U-Boat Types"
  *  "When Eagles Soared" (volume 1)
  *  "When Eagles Soared" (volume 2)
  *  "The U-Boat War in Pictures" (volume 1)

Harry is featured in:
  *  Strathmore's "Who's Who in American Business"
  *  Marquis "Who's Who in America"
  *  "Man of the Year 2011" by the American Biographical Institute
  *  Covington's "Who's Who"

Learn more at www.sharkhunters.com

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